Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One Carat Carrot

I'm not easily discouraged, but I'm willing to say that after 6 weeks of care my vegetable garden is a flop.
The failure began when I  developed an irrigation system that clearly did not deliver water to the plants. My trenches were so deep the water was quenching thirsty plants on the other side of the globe while my tender seeds were gasping for a little drink. But I had spent $15 on seeds so I plunged further into the venture and began a hand-watering program that up to now has raised our water bill about $30.
When I saw some green things poke out of the ground I got very excited, but concerned that rabbits would eat the vegetables, so I spent another $13 on a plastic fence to protect my struggling sprigs.
As of today, the garden is frozen in time. The carrots haven't grown an inch in three weeks, the tomatoes remain small and green, and the beans and peas never even showed up. The good news is that I have enough cilantro to fill the needs of Latin America for a week.
A few days ago I removed the rabbit fence, resigned to the reality that Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail might as well have the carrots. The carrots remain untouched, proving that even rabbits have standards.
This report on the state of my vegetable garden in no way implies an invitation for anyone to bring me a zucchini.

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