Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blog Fog Part 1

Black car whose name starts with "A"
Black car whose name starts with "A"
It happened to me again. I should have 'fessed up the day it happened, but if you're over 65, you don't reveal too many of your hilarious 'Guess what happened to me' stories. It's dangerous. Your caregivers, currently disguised as family, are keeping written logs of your blunderous decline.
My husband and I usually leave family get-togethers rather early. We always say our arthritic knees are bothering us, but in fact, we're hoping to get home in time to watch The Middle, a chronicle of a dysfunctional Midwest family. Watching that is as good as watching our offspring, except our recliners are more comfortable than lawn chairs, and there are no mosquitoes in our living room. We're partial to dust mites and spiders.
One evening, after leaving one of the family fun fests, I remembered I had left my cooler full of ice cold Ensure near my daughter's back door. I picked up the cooler, unseen by the survivors, currently disguised as family. They were having a mumbled discussion about the outdated food in our refrigerator, and the probability that my deviled eggs were deadly.
Well heck, I thought as I crept back to the car,  deviled eggs are always deadly. That's why we never serve them at wedding receptions.
Back home, knees  toasty warm and enjoying The Middle, I came to a conclusion. I'll go through the refrigerator and we'll eat all that outdated stuff before anyone can complain about it.
What are the two black cars about? It's time for my nap. Come back tomorrow for the rest of the story.

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