Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Combination Rain Barrel/Rain Gauge

One of my relatives installing rain gauge
My Aunt Louise was known for her lovely soft hair. She once confessed that she only washed her hair in water from the rain barrel outside her house, AND only used coal black Packer's Tar Soap, which might explain why her hair was coal black her entire, very long life. I never touched her hair, but I'm betting it got sticky in hot weather. That would explain the flies that stuck to it. 
Another of my relatives has an obsession with rainwater. Until yesterday he simply couldn't find a rain gauge big enough to suit his needs. Although rainfall is reported in every weather agency in the world, only his own personal rain gauge can reveal the exact amount of free water that fell in his yard.
We're having a drought where we live, and this eco-minded relative is also perturbed that he's having to use so much city water on his vegetable garden. I see now what he's thinking: 1) The rain gauge will tell him how much water he DIDN'T get, so he will know what each tomato actually cost with city water, and 2) If it does rain, he'll not only know how much rain there was, he can use the water to irrigate his vegetable garden. He might also get lovely black hair like my Aunt Louise.

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