Friday, August 24, 2012

Dog and People Trick

I'm sleeping in.  I offer for your amusement a video that is from my YouTube collection.. It is a few years old now, and features my favorite dog, Teddy.
     This video is 15 seconds long.  The time it takes to watch will be deducted  from today's reading time. All Catholics will be granted a plenary indulgence for watching it. All others will be granted extra credit for researching "plenary indulgence."
Some of you have seen this first video. Get over it.

About a week after I published it, a video was sent to me featuring my son performing the same trick. Few humans have seen it. This video takes 8 seconds.
This video "star" was obviously experiencing lack of attention from me. I affirmed his importance to the family by giving him his own box of Cheese-Its and assured him that he is as cute and talented as the dog. He has since gone on to rolling over and can sit and stay on command. He still will not fetch the paper.
This concludes today's film festival. ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz...

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