Thursday, August 23, 2012

Here We Go Loop Dee Loo

Korean sign warning seniors not to repeat themselves

It is said that senior citizens often repeat themselves.
It's acceptable for history to repeat itself, and politicians are notorious for saying the same things hundreds of times. I don't mind that the checker at the grocery store always asks me the same question, "Did you find everything okay?" I like to repeat my humorous quip that I have not found the meaning of life, but by then she is busy shooting my tuna cans across the scanner like hockey pucks. She just smiles, and I see the thought bubble floating over her head. "Why does this wacko always pick my line?"

These are some of the reasons why seniors repeat themselves.
  • They didn't get a big enough laugh the first time they told that story.
  • They enjoyed the attention they got the first time, so they do a repeat performance.
  • No one listened the first time. The idiots! It's a great story.
  • They don't remember telling the story before.
  • They think what you're talking about is even more boring than their story.                            
The next time you hear a senior repeating a story, just remember: You didn't mind it when they were younger and said the same things everyday- things like "Dinner's Ready!" or "Your laundry is done."
My personal favorite repetitious remark in the olden days was "Oh, look. It's your bedtime already!"

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