Friday, August 17, 2012

Edward Hacksaw Hands

Major wound inflicted by a mother's hand
I must interrupt 47 days of brilliant blogs with a little mundane housekeeping. You might recall I helped install a fence at my daughter's house in Cincinnati last Saturday.  Now she has sent me a photo of a little scratch that I made on her finger with a hacksaw. I apologized, sort of, at the time, and reminded her that when she was three, I taught her to stay out of the way when Mommy had a hacksaw in her hands.
I'll not trouble her with the story of my broken leg, which I incurred while tripping on her skateboard.  I wish I  had a photo of me wearing  a runny nose and watery eyes caused by her Siamese cat.  Unfortunately, the headaches my kids gave me don't show in the family photos.
Instead, I invite you to enjoy this video that I found, showing my daughter removing her thumb at one of our Thanksgiving celebrations. After seeing it, I realized that with my careless use of the hacksaw last Saturday I might have ended her 'slight of hand' career. However, it's obvious that she planted in my head a subconscious image of a severed thumb. I'm just sayin'.
That said, I hereby bring to a close all discussion of fingers, thumbs, and other digits.
Warning: The content of this video is graphic and pathetically stupid.

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