Today's video shows that the squirrels visiting our window bird feeder have become rather bold. Remember, I am just inches away, on the other side of the window glass, and he can clearly see me. This particular squirrel, known to us as Sidney, has developed an attitude. Watch closely and you will see him wave me off with his paw. Is he telling me to get lost? On a more sinister note, could this be a secret squirrel gesture? Could it mean "I have 500 friends and they're eating the wood off your deck right now." Perhaps he has been watching TV through the window and is mimicking some Hollywood celebrity waving off the paparazzi.
Soon after we put up the window feeder FOR THE BIRDS, we began having other visitors. Two squirrels can in 30 minutes empty the tray of its delicious and pricey sunflower seeds. But here at Wickersham's Wonder World of Nature the animals always win. My husband and I sit at our table eating dry toast for breakfast while we watch Sidney and his friends gobble up the seeds. I often have to put out a second load for the birds. We used to have human food on our shelves but now it's all seed and dog food.
As for Sidney, maybe I misjudged him. Maybe the gesture means, "Hey Granny, thanks for the food!"
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