Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Where The Balls Are

The sacred grounds of Augusta National Golf Club 
History is made yet again. A couple of women have been approved for membership in the Augusta National Golf Club in - of all places - Augusta Georgia.
I'm no golfer, so this is not of great interest to me, but I am drawn to the three golf carts at the left of the building.
It will be awhile before the ladies' installation into the club. The club managers need to spiff up the powder room and find some green blazers made that don't make these women look like cross-dressing linebackers.
Okay, okay, maybe I'm being a bit harsh,  but it wasn't until 1990 that the club admitted an African American member, and women have been unwelcome as members since 1932.
As a member of one of those groups, I can't imagine myself being excited about an invitation to join at this point...unless maybe they'd let me ramp one of those golf carts over that flower bed on the front lawn. (Is that thing on the lawn a map of the USA or a t-bone steak?)

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