Monday, August 20, 2012

Good Housekeeping

I spent yesterday afternoon cleaning the basement. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
It's true that I produced zero trash in the garbage can. It's also true that I placed nothing in the "For Goodwill" box, but I filled a huge box labeled "Stuff I might give to Goodwill Someday maybe".
The first 30 minutes of cleaning the basement was somewhat rewarding and the time went by quickly. All I did was move tools off the table known as "The table for tools I don't have time to put away right now" and put them in the box marked "tools to put away someday."
After that, I felt a little bored, so I selected TV Land on the basement TV. While pondering what to clean next, I opened a folding chair and  watched  three episodes of Mash and four Mayberry RFDs.
During my time in the basement, I mainly just moved things around. The tools that were left on the workbench landed in a box that got shoved in a corner. I opened a drawer and scooped all the nails and screws in with the glue, staples and broken pencils. Things were looking better already.
Then I built giant sandwiches of unlabeled. teetering boxes. After all, who has the time to sort or label a box that contains broken scissors, Styrofoam balls and baseball cards. I'll do it later, someday, maybe.
I grew tired of TV Land, flipped off the television and the lights and returned upstairs, wondering why people dread cleaning the basement. I had a great time.

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