Saturday, November 17, 2012

Goodbye, Gulf

I'm on the road today. Honk if you see a 26-foot
U-Haul truck towing a black Acura! Today's post
is an encore experience from a previous visit to the Gulf.

Spongebob and I occupy two states.
 Now it came to pass that I was on my way to the beach with the family when I had the opportunity to fly my Spongebob Squarepants kite in the state of Alabama while standing in the state of Mississippi. This was a milestone for Spongebob and me, and was almost a disaster for the driver of an armored truck, when Spongebob did a sudden dive and attached himself to the truck’s windshield. After the truck swerved a few times and the driver yelled something at me, I yanked on the kite and it released itself from the windshield. As the driver pulled over, I reeled Spongebob back to Mississippi, and we made a fast exit to the beach.

Dollar De Sable

Once we were on the beach, I relaunched Spongebob for his final Gulf flight.  As the kite soared in the steady wind, I saw two gentlemen in their swimsuits approaching, and wanting to extend my Indiana hospitality, I greeted them and asked if this was a good beach upon which I might find a sand dollar.
They looked at each other quizzically, and then the one in the Speedo suit said something to the other  in French. Even with only one semester of French in high school, I could understand that he said something like, “Do you believe this, Françoise? The fat woman with the silly kite wants money!” 
Françoise replied, laughing, “Oui, Pierre, but at least she knows what she is worth! She only asked for a DOLLAR !” 
The two men strolled away, rattling French and snortling.

Now that my son is moving to Indiana, I'll probably not return to this wonderful part of our country for awhile. I've had some great adventures here, but I doubt if I'll be missed, except by the mosquitoes.

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