Friday, November 16, 2012

Revoir Louisiana

Bella is not moving. Just ask her.
We're down to the wire!
(Educational note: There's apparently a wire at the finish line of a horse race. They don't hurt the horses, do they?)

Today we will have big strong men come to load the truck. Unfortunately, we're not quite ready for them. It was my personal responsibility to empty my granddaughter's closet, but I've run into an obstacle. Bella, her cat, doesn't look like she intends to leave soon. My best idea is to simply lift up the basket with her in it and place it in the moving truck. She sleeps all day anyway. We'll see what the big strong men think of this idea.

I will remember this particular trip to Louisiana for a long time, mainly because I have 38 itchy, scabby mosquito bites to remind me. I'll also remember feasting on the boiled peanuts we had frozen during my last visit.

I'll miss the deliciously warm days as we head into the bleak coldness of Indiana, but I'll be warmed by the thought of two more grandchildren moving to my neighborhood to take the garbage out and shovel our snow.

Mounds of fun
I'll miss watching them slide down the Native American Mounds at the LSU campus, while secretly wondering to myself if the Teletubbies will come dancing over the hill any minute. They're teenagers now, the grandkids, not the Teletubbies, so even if I could take that mound of green with me, it would never be the same. It never is the same, and that's what makes each day here or there or wherever its own very special experience.

We leave tomorrow, but we'll drive by the mound one more time,  just to be sure.

Bye bye.

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