Sunday, November 18, 2012

Report from the Road

Captain's Log: Stardate 2012/11/18. Aboard the Wickership.
Ship length: 55 feet with Acura on trailer. Crew: 3 Wickershams, two too many. Mission: Deliver 2 cats and household belongings to Madison Indiana.
We are on E 40 headed for Nashville.
The sun is rising, and we're able to maintain a speed of 75 mph. But even at that rate, we have 6 hours more of bouncing around the cab of this U-Haul.

After ten days of packing and loading, I'm ready to be home for at least 2 days before my next mission: Saving the Thanksgiving Turkey from the
crematory in my daughter's kitchen. I used to have a life of my own, but I'm now finding that meddling in other peoples lives is more fulfilling, and requires less work. I revel in sharing my opinion and instructing others on the simplest of tasks.
My son may have harkened me to Louisiana to help him move, but after ten days with me, he's ready to move me to the rest home. Sure, I was good enough to potty train him, but he thinks I know little of packing a truck or sedating a couple of cats.
I've done my share of sedating. We used to buy Benedryl by the gallon.

So we'll be trucking up the road for awhile, I might get back to my readers with an update. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. iPhone propped up by an iPhone?!?! I like your style! See you in a few hours. Safe travels
